Priority Policy

Shelter & Homelessness

At a Glance

  • Rapidly build a minimum of 1,500 shelter beds to clear encampments.
  • Build 24/7 shelters so people are not kicked back onto the streets during the day.
  • Allow RVs to park only in designated areas and enforce parking rules.
  • Remove unnecessary hurdles from shelter to transitional housing.
  • Write measurable results into nonprofit contracts to ensure accountability.

The Details

Nearly 8,000 people are experiencing homelessness in our city. There is nothing progressive about that. Over 500 encampments of tents, cars, and RVs line our streets. Yet San Francisco has a shelter capacity of only 3,437, including just a single site for people living in vehicles.

Instead of blaming a court-ordered injunction for the conditions on our streets, my administration will build adequate shelter beds. By building the beds necessary to house the homeless, we will no longer push the problem from one street corner to another. We will also require RVs to park in designated areas and enforce parking rules.

We must also hold non-profits accountable to produce measurable results and decrease the exorbitant costs San Francisco pays compared to other cities. We will do this by reforming contract management and holding nonprofits accountable for outcomes.

As mayor, I will make placement from shelter to transitional housing more efficient. We will scale programs like Homeward Bound, which reunite unhoused people with loved ones elsewhere, and explore leasing space outside the county.

Since 2005, the nonprofit I founded, Tipping Point Community, has helped over 1 million people, without taking a cent of government money. We housed over 38,000 people in addition to those we prevented from becoming homeless. We facilitated the building of a tiny home village on Gough Street for $34,000 per unit—compared with the $113,000 per unit the city is currently paying. We also delivered affordable housing at 833 Bryant Street on time and under budget with good-paying union labor.

I’ve made meaningful progress on the biggest problems facing San Francisco, and I didn’t do it by putting my finger up to see which way the political winds were blowing. Instead, I looked at the results and funded the programs that worked, while moving resources away from those that didn’t. I will do the same as mayor.